Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rien Ne Sert De Courir, Il Faut Partir À Point

This morning, the girls had troubles waking up. I had to wake them up earlier because we had to take the bus, instead of either Karine or Bertrand driving them to school. It is funny how I can see myself in the girls, especially Sarah. I was always the one that my mom or dad had to wake up 20 different times. I could sleep through lights, music, and even a good shaking. Even though waking the girls up was difficult, we still got out the door, and to the bus stop with several minutes to spare.

I decided to start being more productive. Sitting around when I am home alone gives me way too much time to think about home and how I miss everything there. So I got ready, caught up on my blog, cleaned, studied, and put away a small stack of clean clothes. I decided it was best to leave earlier to pick up the girls. There was no way that I was going to miss that bus again just because I was five minutes early instead of six minutes. I was 20 minutes early. I didn't like having to stand and wait that long for the bus to arrive (it was a few minutes late today), and when I arrived at the school, I realized that Véronique was picking the girls up. She picks up Marion and Sarah every Tuesday. So instead of taking the bus back home, I got to ride in the car.

Since I had finished all my little tasks, I started to write today's post. After, I sat with my French family just to keep them company. Plus I was determined to show them I care about them and that I was very sorry for being late to get the girls the day before. I had to show them I was serious.

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