Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Background Story

Here it is! My blog, finally updated. The reason? Because I have had so many people suggest that I write a blog while I live in France. Just a forewarning, I am definitely not a gifted writer. So I apologize for any grammatical errors or boring writing styles you might read... But hopefully, blogging will help mold me into a better writer.

Anyway, this first post is to tell how I got the France gig. My sister Marie, whom I love so dearly, volunteered at a hospital with a girl named Brooke. Brooke was saying how she is going to France to be an au pair, AKA a nanny, for a French family that lives there. Marie wanted to know when she would be back because she knew I would be interested in living in France. Turns out that the relatives of the family that Brooke will be helping out, was looking for an au pair! Marie called me up, told me what was going on, and then I got in contact with my future French family.

After gathering paperwork and retrieving documents from various places, I am finally ready to go to France. I leave August 17th and that date is fast approaching! I'll be living in Saint-Malo which is located in the Brittany region of northwest France.

So there it is folks. The background story to my new life, a new adventure, and a new beginning.

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